Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Share and Voice 3: Pass The Torch!!

Fellow Bloggers-

I received the Enviro-COOL blog award from Dr. V.@ Amy's Environmental Adventures a couple of weeks ago.  I have spent some quality time searching your blogs trying to find the best ones I could.
I would have to say that competition was stiff, but one blog blew the competition out of the water.  Therefore the Enviro-COOL blog award will be passed to...

I really enjoyed this post for 3 reasons:
  • Kathy took her own pictures in a bathroom--of a toilet.  That is priceless. 
  • This was an environmental advancement that was made RIGHT HERE AT UMD and a lot of us students didn't even know about it!! It was a great find...
  • Dr. V. basically forced me to pass this award on.  Here's how the coercion took place today at the blogging party...
Sara: "I really need to pass on my blog award"
Dr. V.: "Yeah you do, you have been slacking"
Sara: "Well, every time I see a cool blog, someone beats me to the award, I was thinking about giving one to Kathy just because she's my friend."

approximately 2 minutes later....

Dr. V: "NOW THIS POST IS COOL!! (Referrring to Kathy's award-winning Share and Voice Post), SHE TOTALLY DESERVES AN AWARD FOR THIS ONE!!!!"

So here it is Kathy, an award just for you via Sara J, and Dr. V. ! Great job!!  Here are the instructions for you to pass it on to the next lucky blogger.  I hope Dr. V. doesn't peer pressure you the way she did me! =) 

1. Leave a comment below so that I know you "picked up" the award.
2. Create a Share and Voice post that says you've received the award and indicate who the award is from (be sure to hyperlink).
3. Also indicate to whom you are going to pass on the award and why. Be sure to hyperlink the blogger (use main blog URL) and the blog title (use the specific URL for that blog post).
4. Copy and paste these instructions at the bottom of your post.
5. Publish the post.
6. Visit each blogger you've awarded and leave a comment telling them they've won.
7. Continue the process...


  1. Wow I am so honored Sara Jandt!!
    Thank you and Dr. V! haha I love the conversation that took place.
    You are right...did I honestly sit in a bathroom stall and take pictures?? haha luckily someone wasn't in there to think I was being a weirdo!
    But thank you so much for the blog award! I will post a share and voice soon once I see/think of someone with a cool blog!

  2. haha that post definitely did deserve an award!

  3. Nice way to go Sara on passing it on to Kathy I think she really did deserve that...and how did she find out about that??
