Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Eye Opener 2: CSPI--Score Your Diet

For the second eye opener, I chose to do the "Score Your Diet" activity.  I thought that this was a really great tool to use.  It was a pretty good calculator of your impact on your health, the environment, and animal welfare through your diet.  

I scored the highest on the following three categories:
  • fruits (score: 44)
  • vegetables (score: 44)
  • grains (score: 17)
The reason why I scored so high on these is because I eat plenty of fruits, veggies and grains making it really beneficial to my health.  There is a relatively low impact on the environment from eating these three food products, especially if I am choosing to eat locally grown, or organic.   There was also no effect on animal welfare by eating high amounts of these three products. Therefore, my overall score was still very high.  

I scored the lowest on the following three categories:
  • cheese (score: -55)
  • Egg Yolks (score: -12)
  • Candy, pastries, ice cream (score: -6)
These three products were low for various reasons.  Every diet analysis I do tells me to stop eating so much cheese. SERIOUSLY, I can't help it...it's just so good!!  I don't eat meat, and I don't drink milk, eat yogurt, or fish...I have to eat cheese.  At any rate, according to the website, it is a little bit bad for animal welfare, its worse for the environment, and it is the worst for my health.  Oops. I guess it is time to work on the cheese addiction.  The egg yolks was low because eggs are the only poultry I eat. I eat about 3 hard-boiled eggs each week and I always have an omelette or some scrambled eggs thrown in my diet.  This was the worst for animal welfare, not so much on the environment or my health.  I think that  I will continue to eat the same amount of eggs because let's be honest-- I need to get my protein somehow, and obviously I don't eat meat, or enough beans to do so.  The candy, pastries and ice cream category is only a problem with the third clause: ICE CREAM!  Literally, if a man buys me ice cream he has my heart.  I don't need diamonds or flowers...just a big ol' bucket of bunny tracks and I am totally satisfied!!

What will I change?
After all things are taken into consideration, I have decided to change three things.  
  • Of all the vegetables, fruits, and grains I eat, I will make an effort to buy more locally grown and organic.  This will be less detrimental to the environment.   I will also try to buy fresh, and not frozen as often, this will help enhance my health.
  • I will TRY to eat less cheese, and even if i don't succeed at it, I will try to be more aware.  Maybe I could try and eat low-fat cheese to better my own health??
  • I will work on not eating as much ice cream as I currently do.  It is important to both my health, the environment, and animal welfare.  I would say that this will be the hardest change to make.  Although I won't remove it from my diet completely, I need to start caring more about the environment while eating it, and less about my emotional satisfaction!! =)
This tool was very useful, and it was a great starting point for analyzing the effects of your diet on yourself, the environment and on animals.  I have had the opportunity to learn how I am helping, and how I am hurting myself, the environment and animals through my eating habits.  I really enjoyed how everything was given an numeric value, and it was so simple to calculate.  Although there are much more sophisticated instruments that can be used, this tool was helpful, quick and enlightening. Here is a picture of my results:


  1. Sara-
    Nice touch with adding the picture of your results, I didn't even think of that. I did this activity as well and found it really interesting! I was also informed that I need to cut down in my candy category.. but I like my chocolates too much! :)

  2. Sara...I have so much more respect for you because it seems like you like ice cream as much as I do! It's my all-time favorite treat!!! I work at an ice cream/smoothie shop, and when it's not busy I just make myself a quadruple scoop of goodness and sit in the back and pig out lol. But from the looks of it, you eat REALLY healthy, so good for you! Whenever I see you in the food court you're always eating a salad haha. Oh, and by the way, "3 hard-boiled eggs each week?!?" I think I seriously eat that much in one bite! Well, anyhoo, great post, and don't worry about your little cheese addiction. My motto is as long as you eat healthy most the time, you can binge on your favorite food. So, if that's cheese for you, then eat away!

  3. O sara...WE ALL SCREAM FOR ICE CREAM! hehe(Ben and Jerrys cherry Garcia)lol...I too am a fanatic and sometimes have to put a pad lock on my freezer to stop me from eating it...:)jk. It is good to see that you are thinking about your diet and what you can do to eat less harmful food. I agree that cheese is the hardest to stop eating because it goes with everything! well maybe not everything lol! Just by reducing a couple servings a week can really help out in the long run! Good post you cheeseball;) haha

  4. Sara,

    You crack me up! I also love cheese! I know it is bad for you although it tastes so good! I think that you offered several really great suggestions for working to change your eating patterns, like buying whole locally grown foods. Its funny because my BF loves ice cream and I cant stand it I think I am the only person on this planet who does not like ice cream!:) congrats to you for your very healthy diet Sara keep up the good work and have tons of fun this weekend you deserve it!:) fly safe!

  5. Sara~ I love cheese and ice cream and any kind of dairy product out there!!! Its my nicotine to life you could say! Keep up the good work on changing yourself to be environment safe!!
