Saturday, February 14, 2009

Reflection: Weeks 3 & 4

The last couple of weeks have been really eye-opening for me. I have learned a lot about many environmental issues that we as human being have faced, are facing, and will face. Week 3 This week we were required to read 2 different articles, and have discussions about them in class. I enjoyed reading the first article, "The Challenges We Face". I thought this article was very eye opening, especially through all of the statistics and facts the author presented. It opened my eyes to the water problem, and led into a pretty intense conversation in the classroom. We got to the point where the question was asked, "based on our over-population of our planet, at what point as health-related professionals, do we let people die?". I think this question left the class puzzled. There were 2 main points that I took from this article:
  • Our water supply is running out, rapidly.  I need to do my part to conserve it.
  • Alternative energy isn't just a political issue, its something that needs to be taken care of immediately, and not just talked about.
The second article, "Seeing Green: Knowing and Saving the Environment on Film", wasn't as enjoyable for me to read. I didn't really like the way the article was written, I found it hard to follow. Overall it did open my eyes to our enviornment and how it is portrayed on film. There were also 2 main points that I took from this article:
  • When environmental documentaries are being filmed, beautiful, untouched land gets the mark of the film crew.  Let's hope they don't leave too much behind...
  • Environmental documentaries aren't the best way to learn about the environment.  A lot of information is left out, a lot of details are cut out, and landscape photoshopped over.

Week 4
This entire week we watched the movie, "An Inconvenient Truth", which I really enjoyed.  A lot of people dislike this movie, in fact everyone I had talked to outside of this Environmental Class said that it was a horrible movie.  Maybe they were just not fans of Gore, and turned it into a political issue, but I feel like it was very eye opening and a great movie to watch.  
It made me realize that the carbon emissions we carelessly pollute our environment are making HUGE changes to our planet.  It was crazy to learn about all the heat waves and the way little changes were made, to watch the water sources shrink over time, to watch ice caps melt before our eyes.  I think that this movie did a lot to motivate me to change.  I guess there are ways to get through to people, and I commend Gore for continuing to do his best to educate and change.  

This week we also did an eye opener activity online.  It was to measure the footprint we are making on this earth.  Although it was sort of discouraging to see how environmentally unfriendly I am, it was encouraging to get personalized tips as to exactly what Sara J. can do to make a difference.  
These last couple of weeks have been good for me.  I think that I am slowly coming to terms with how bad of a human I am being to this planet, and what I can do to not only change my behaviors, but to educate others on how to change theirs. 

Leaf Some Love!!  --Sara J.


  1. Sara-
    I love your line "I think that I am slowly coming to terms with how bad of a human I am being to this planet and what I can do to not only change my behaviors, but to educate others on how to change theirs." If everyone thought like that, than our world would be a much happier place :)

  2. Hey Sara!

    Looks like you have really gotten in touch with your green side over the past two weeks! Isn't it really scary how scarce fresh water is??? I thought that part of the article was shocking too. So other people thought the documentary was that bad huh? I can see how some people might be bored or uninterested but I don't see how some of the information Al Gore presented couldn't be somewhat shocking to people?! Crazy world we live in...haha. Well Sara J. once again your blog looks nice, and it was entertaining to read. Keep it up!

  3. Sara! Our water is running out, and how do we stop it! Its hard though I agree with you, I like my showers and drinking water also!? Its hard really is but you again are right we need to change and do our part. Lastly, you are right again! it is great that Gore is really so passionate about this subject and even if he affects one person, then hopefully it can create a snowball effect perhaps?!?!

  4. Sara~ I love it on how you are turning to the "Green Side"!! Keep up the good work every little bit helps! I just love reading your blogs cause they are so you...keep up the great blogging!
