Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Share and Voice 2: YOUTUBING!!

In my spare time I like to go to YouTube to find random videos.  I was searching for a video of a film crew filming a "remote" area of the world.  I thought that would jazz up my reading review. Anyways, moral of the story is I couldn't find a video of a film crew filming (??? confusing... ???) but I ran across this video. It made me laugh, I hope you enjoy it too!! 


  1. NICE!! I did get a laugh out that one!! you should find some more woman so i can really laugh!

  2. This video was funny! It was cheesy but yet informative. I liked it, good job!

  3. Haha...funny video Sara! It was a little corny, but it DID highlight everything we do on a daily basis that we don't realize, so mad props to whoever made that vid! Thanks for sharing =P
