Thursday, January 29, 2009

Reflection: Weeks 1 & 2

The past couple of weeks have been pretty hectic.  Obviously with the start of a new semester, comes the start of new relationships, new challenges, and new ideas!

Week 1
The first day of class was pretty intimidating.  As I sat there in my seat I thought to myself, "Sara, nature".  To be honest I am one of the most environmentally UNfriendly people I know.  I don't recycle, and I have a wicked habit of leaving lights on, water running, and windows open when the heat is pumping. The first week of class opened my eyes to the fact that this "going green" trend is important, and it is vital to my future career as a community health educator.  I guess it is time for me to jump on the bandwagon!

Week 2
Unfortunately, I had some pretty serious stuff come up at home and I had to miss class on Tuesday.  With all of the drama, I didn't really have time to consider the environment, and how I was affecting it, or it was affecting me.  However, I had an eye opening experience on my drive back to Duluth on Tuesday evening.  I had about 1/3 tank of gas, and the last thing I wanted to do was stop and fill up.  Thankfully, I made it back to Duluth safely with 21 miles to spare!!  Without trying to be environmentally friendly, in some ways I am! I drive a 2007 Chevy Cobalt, and although it is not a hybrid or anything, it gets great gas mileage and is incredibly fuel efficient.  I guess what I have realized this week is that even in small ways, I can make a contribution towards a healthier environment.

In both week 1 and week 2, I have gained much experience with blogging.  Here I am writing my third one already!  As I was playing around with all of the different features, I noticed that instead of picking a color from the 20-some choices given, I could type in my own hex color code.  What the heck is a hex color code?? I didn't know either, so I googled it. Props to Dr. V. for the tip to google when in doubt.  Basically, the hex color code is a 6 digit figure that tells the computer precisely which color to display.  I found this awesome website that allows you to pick the color you want, and it generates a code.  When you are editing your template colors and fonts, consider using your own colors using the tool I found on 2 Create a Website.

Well, that is week 1 and week 2 in review.  Good luck with all your blogging and a special shout out to Group 3: Ben, Abbey, Ingrid, Katie & Autumn!! Everyone go comment on their blogs next! =)

Share and Voice 1: Colorado--Winter Break

These pictures are from a few different areas along the Rocky Mountains in January.  I spent my winter break in Colorado working, spending time with my boyfriend (Adrian), and site-seeing.
On the weekends, Adrian and I would jump in the car, grab our atlas, and drive to somewhere that looked interesting. 
One of the things that I value most about Colorado is the cleanliness of the environment.  Spending time in the mountains, on hiking trails, and along the rivers wouldn't be nearly as enjoyable if there were liter, smog, and noise pollution. 

Introduction: A Leaf of Sara's Life

Welcome to A Leaf of Sara's Life!!
An environmentally friendly blog by Sara Jandt

Photo (Jan.'09): This picture was taken at the bottom of the Rocky Mountains near Pike's Peak.  The air was so clear and cold, you can see my breath in the picture!

My name is Sara Renae Jandt.  The second 'e' in my middle name usually has an accent, but neither or the DMV can publish it accurately.  =)  I am currently a community health education major and am enrolled in an environmental health course.  Although the focus of this blog is in response to Health 3500, I will be spicing it up a bit with my personal stories, pictures and environmental thoughts that I experience, especially when I am in Colorado.  I spent July & August traveling all over the southwest. While I am in school, I go back to Colorado about once a month for a few days at a time.  I hope you enjoy learning about me, my adventures in Colorado, my thoughts on environmental health, and my progress in Health 3500!  

There are 5 possible types of posts on my blog. They include:

  1. Advocacy Project
  2. Eye Openers
  3. Reflections
  4. Reviews
  5. Share and Voice

If you notice at the bottom of this post, the categories will be listed as labels. This post is has been labeled with all five kinds of posts. You will also see the number of each kind of post in my Labels Gadget at the top of the page. All post titles from now on will begin with one of the categories above.

The members of my web group are: (Adjust # of members as necessary.)

  1. Ingrid 
  2. Ben
  3. Abbey
  4. Autumn
  5. Katie

You can subscribe to my blog by clicking the subscribe gadget in the gadget column. You can also follow my blog by clicking "Follow this Blog" in the gadget column. I am subscribed to all the blogs in my blog list gadget. You can see my complete profile and all the blogs I am following by clicking on "See Complete Profile." 

 I am very excited to keep all of you updated via blogging! I hope that you find the time to comment, and visit some of the links that I provide.  Please give me as much feedback as you would like, and to all of the other Health 3500 students...happy blogging!!