Friday, April 17, 2009

Reflection Weeks 11 & 12

These last couple of weeks have gone by so fast! Just think everyone, we have 2 more reflection posts to write and its SUMMERTIME!!  I don't think I can wait. 

Week 11
During this week in class we watched a documentary titled Unnatural Causes.  It was about how socioeconomic status may be one of the largest determinants of health.  I really liked the way the documentary walked the audience through the life of different people with different socioeconomic statuses.  It was very interesting to see how those with a higher economic status were healthier, and those with a low economic status weren't as healthy.  There are, as with anything of course, many factors that determine health, but socioeconomic status has time and time again proven to be very influential.  

Also during week 11 we spent a class day talking about the next piece of our Advocacy Project. For this particular project we were to pick an environment-related objective from Healthy People 2010, and research the progress that has been made.  Then we were to use THOMAS to find a piece of legislation that represents moving towards the health objective we chose.  My topic was 100% tobacco-free and smoke-free schools in the US.  It was very interesting for me to learn about and to see what is being done.  When searching for a bill to use in my post, I learned that there are SO MANY BILLS it is unreal!!  I guess I never realized just how busy our congress-people are!

Week 12
For this week we had to do reading 20 which basically talked about how the ozone layer will "fix itself" over the next three years.  I liked this reading because it helped us to see that good things are being done, and a difference is being made on the environment.  However, it was amazing to see how our ability to critically think came out when we started to analyze the date the article was published, and who is was written by.  Our critical thoughts led into a really great discussion.  Well, maybe it wasn't just our critical thoughts...maybe it was our wonderful professor for the hour Shar!!! (Probably the best day of environmental so far!!)

What I learned about Sara Renaé Jandt:
  • I can think critically now
  • I am sort of a pro-blogger
  • Ben Lee makes me laugh really hard when he says stuff like "Hey Babe to Dr. V.". HAHAHAHA
  • I talk about the environment even when I am not in this class.  I am not sure if that is a good thing yet or not. It's good for the environment, sort of annoying for my loved ones. =)
What I learned about the environment:
  • Maybe the world isn't going to fail after all? Maybe we are doing what we can now to make the world a better, healthier, and greener place in the future?  Go us...
  • Health and the environment are very much intertwined.  Health and the environment and government are intertwined.  Health, the environment, the government and society are intertwined.... Should I keep going??
What I learned about blogging:
  • I got to be careful about what I say, I may offend Dr. V!! =)  She might not allow me to come to class on the last day to share my opinion if I don't start filtering my blog thoughts.....J/K Dr. V. don't hate....


  1. Sara-
    I can't believe we only have 2 reflection posts left to do! Craaaaazy! It's going to be weird when blogging isn't our life anymore.. haha. It's amazing how much we have all grown and sort of become "pro-bloggers" I remember when I would be like "ugh I don't know how to do anything!" I'm also happy that my posts aren't the only ones that look different in the preview option :) Good reflection!

  2. OMG love your posts always and to be honest I you are so funny! I agree with autumn about hating this in the beginning! and I loved the section of your post where you stated the Ben thing....I litereally laughed out loud...! Great work lady keep it up !

  3. Good post Sara J! I always love reading your post....they are really like you are telling it to interesting! Good work and puhhhlease keep it up...i dont even have to say that bc I know you will!!

  4. hahaha Sara, your blogs are always so funny and insightful! I'm glad i could make you laugh by calling Dr. V "babe" haha. I also like your little point about how literally EVERYTHING is intertwined. If you kept going, your post would have been wayyyyy too long haha.

  5. Excellent reflection! Very insightful! Go you! No worries...I'm not a hater... :)

  6. Nice post Sara! I love it...keep it up!!
